Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Birth Story Nov 4 Part 2

So here is a warning and don't say I didn't warn you. The rest of the story will not be sugar coated. Part 1 was the nice and fuzzes of our story the rest is hard, graphic and I will not keep anything back. I do this because the second I am going to think about getting pregnant again I am going to come and read this and when I don't whence and cry by reading it I will know I am ready.

So after I ate all of the box dinner they gave me J and I did lap after lap around the labor and delivery wing to either get my contractions going or to make me dilate more. The Dr had asked what time my water had broke and J asked how long we could go before he had to come out. We were told 24 hours was the limit. At this point I was almost 2 cm before all the walking. When were so up beat and excited. We knew by this time tomorrow we would be holding our little man in our arms. We walked and talked and laughed. We day dreamed about what he would look like and what he would grow up to be. We were thinking we were at the finish line. This was the final stretch. We were planing our trip home on Saturday as a family of 3.
1:30 AM came and we went back to our room. I crawled back in the bed and we waited for the nurse to come in. At this point I knew they were going to start talking drugs to get this thing started because nothing was happening. The nurse came in at 2 and said the doctor was delivering twins and they didn't forget about us that she would be in as soon as she was done.
4 AM the nurse came in and talked to me about this little pill they were going to give me to start thinning out my cervix. Now when I talked to the doctor at midnight and she started talking about Pitocin I told her how terrified I was of it. I had heard horror stories about Pitocin. I was trying to avoid it at all cost. The nurse gave me the pill and said I had to be monitored for 2 hours because it had a side effect of messing with you heart and the babies heart and I could have another in 4 hours if nothing happened. Well 4 hours came and went and nothing.
8:30 AM I realized Pitocin was going to happen soon so I called to get room service as J and I sit and play cards to pass the time. I was on a liquid diet so I got apple juice and jello. This is all I will eat until Nov 5. My new nurse comes in and tells me we will have to start  Pitocin. I ask if I can have my epidural before they start the Pitocin and she agrees. I also ask if I can walk for 30 minutes to see if I can get anything going again before I get my epi knowing once it is in I am bed ridden until he is born. So we walk.
10 AM The aneseoligist comes in the give me my epi. Nothing at this point had scared me as much as this. He explain everything to me and get everything ready. Just seeing all he was going to use scared the crap out of me. The nurse talks to me as he starts and my husband stands by my nurse to watch everything. The part that hurt the worst was the numbing shot. However the scariest part was the needle for the catheter. As he inserted the needle I jumped twice which made my husband jump and then he fussed at me for jumping. The Dr got the catheter in and they put my legs in bed and my nurse puts a catheter in my bladder and hooks me up to all the monitors/
10:30 Pitocin gets started and jump starts my contractions. I thank god I can't feel anything at this point because the Pitocin did it's job. My contractions were getting into a pattern quickly but my cervix was taking it's sweet time dilating.
2 PM I get checked and I am at 5 cm. Things are finally starting to get a move on. The nurse keeps uping my Pitocin every 1/2 and we are making steadying progress. We can see on the monitors that my contractions are starting to get off the chart. I am really thanking god for the epidural at this point knowing if I didn't have it life would suck BIG TIME! Dr comes in and says she is off at 5 and the new Dr will take over if we still don't have a baby by then but she still thinks it's possible.
4 PM New nurse comes in and takes my vitals. I am now running a slight fever at 99.2. I question if we should be worried and if this is OK. Nurse tells me this is normal during labor sometimes if you have been in labor for awhile. Which I have.I talk to my parents on the web cam and talk to the in-laws while they visit and distract us. I don't know this but at this time the nurse backs off my Pitocin which now stall out my labor at 8 cm.
Pitocin with out talking to the Dr and stalled out my labor. The new nurse suggest Tylenol to help the fever. (I am pissed at this point that the other nurse not only stalled my labor but didn't think to give me Tylenol to help the baby or me.) At this time antibiotics are ordered for me to start in my IV so they can get something in me and hopefully the baby before he is born.
8:45 PM Dr comes in and I am 9 cm but she believes I can start pushing if the nurse holds the little lip of cervix out of the way. So we start what we thought was going to be the homestretch of a long 24 hours. We still had no clue what was coming for us.