Saturday, September 27, 2008

Our Picnic in the Mountains

Today Jase, Aqua, Rufuss, Jase's parents and I went up to Idaho springs to have a picnic and see the Aspens change colors. It was so beautiful. I am used to the trees having two colors green and dead! So this was quite a treat for this Southern lady. The dogs had a blast. They attempted to play and swim in the creek but it was a little nippy for their precious little paws. They were in sensory overload with all the smells. Here are a few pics from our day!

Jase and the dogs "attempting" to pose for me!

Aqua and I in front of the creek. She was so tired by this point!
The beautiful skyline of Colorado!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Mountain Nights

So I finally finished my piece. Now what to do? Hang it,sell it on eBay? Would anyone buy it on eBay? I highly doubt it! I love my husband! I love when I get a honest reaction from him on my paintings. Especially if there good reviews, but I just love honest reactions.  Jason had the best reaction, he was honestly impressed and I love it. I love when he's impressed with something I do because I am constantly impressed with him. 
Also I think I may have found something to do. I am still info gathering but if all the answers I get back are what I think they may be I will have a SURPRISE for everyone soon. I will keep you posted. Have a wonderful weekend! We are going on a picnic tomorrow I will try to remember to bring the camera! 

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

It's here! It's finally here!

So since I don't have a job yet (still working on that one) I spend my days doing the loving wife thing. You know washing clothes, taking care of the loft, shopping Well finally it's here...... premier week. I have been waiting all summer for this week. What I am waiting for you ask? Well........, Grey's Anatomy, ER, Private Practice, and Big Bang (by the way was great last night!) So that's how I spend my days lately. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

2nd Floor and Balcony Pics!

The Big Reveal!

So I
 finally did it. Here are pics from the new place. When you walk in your looking at the stairs.
 If you go to the right you are in the kitchen and dining room. 
Behind the table is the door to the front 
balcony that looks
 ove Denver.

you go to the left you will go into the living room.
 If yo
u keep going you are in the sitting room, 
once you pass that up you can see the downstairs bathr
 If you go upstairs you walk into the 
open area that enters the office are
a. On the other side of the second floor is the bedroom. Also there 
is another bathroom on the 
floor along with another balcony. If you head up the 
you will enter the extra bedroom/ storage area. 

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The 8 worst apologies ever

I found this on

If you have ever been done wrong in some kind of way (which is everyone) you have been bound to hear one of these. Yours truly has tried to pull a few off! Yes I know you are in shock that I could ever make anyone upset. The only one that probably wouldn't be in shock is my husband. I have been known to push his buttons on occasion. However with him there are better ways than words to say I'm sorry. And he knows it and uses it to his full advantage. Enjoy!

By Judy McGuire

1. The blame shifter

Witness the number one worst way to say sorry of all time: "I'm sorry you feel that way." Interesting game plan -- blaming the person you're ostensibly making amends to for getting rightfully pissed off at your horrendous behavior. If you're not sorry for your actions, don't apologize. If you are genuinely repentant, take off the training bra, squeeze 'em into the underwire, and take responsibility like a woman.

2. Lady liquor made me do it

So you had a little too much to drink at a friend's birthday party and ended up making out in the bathroom with the bartender. When your boyfriend finds out, it's probably best to just own up to the mistake rather than say, "But I was drunk!" Those five shots of tequila only gave you the courage to do something stupid and regretful, it didn't actually do it for you.

3. It's all in the genes

What I wouldn't pay to be a fly on the wall the first time some cheater tries to use the new study showing that some men have a genetic predisposition towards non-monogamy. Sorry ladies, so far there's no equivalent study for us female types, so don't even think about it.

4. Forcing forgiveness

"You have to forgive me -- you must!" Demanding absolution is possibly more annoying than your original sin. This is a lose/lose.

5. The big but

An acquaintance's wife apologized for sleeping with a coworker with the caveat, "But he came onto me!" So obviously she had no choice but to cozy up. Oh, please. Inserting the word "but" into any apology immediately negates it.

6. The sympathy bid

A boyfriend once "apologized" for standing me up by ruefully rambling on about how his tragic childhood left him ill-equipped to deal with obligations. What this had to do with blowing off dinner still eludes me. You're supposed to be making a plea for forgiveness, not hosting a pity party for one.

7. e-Sorry

There are very few occasions that warrant an e-card. Screwing up and subsequently begging forgiveness via an animated teddy bear and a terrible jingle is definitely not one of them.

8. Skirting the issue

"I'm sorry I hurt your feelings," is not the same as "I'm sorry I cheated on you with your best friend, in your bed, while you were at your uncle's funeral." Though either way you phrase it, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for forgiveness on that one.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Almost There!

We received our things, and setting up house. Jason is putting the final pictures up as I speak. I will have pictures in my next post. Today is the kick-off to NFL Sundays! YEAH! So we will be at Hooters today watching football, then over to the relatives for Sunday dinner. TTYL! B

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Home Stretch!

I just wanted to give a quick update. We are going to receive our things tomorrow morning. I got my car yesterday, and I am interviewing tomorrow at a firm here in Denver. Busy! Busy! I will update again soon when I have my computer up and running. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers for my family for the storm. I can't tell you how many nice e-mails I got. B