Friday, December 26, 2008

For the New Year

There have been some really awesome things that have happened this year. However when Jason and I look at the overall picture of 2008 it has just been a horrible year! We have been asking to start a new year since May 5. Now that's pretty bad! So every year I make a mental list of what I am going to aim for in the new year..... Serious flaw, I forget and when I think about it at the end of the year I can never remember what I told myself. I this year have outsmarted myself and am going to write it down! So promises I am going to make to myself for the new year.....

I Promise
1. To have more of a positive attitude towards things I can't control.
2. To have a little more faith in me!
3. To trust in myself.
4. To let it go when my husband leaves things around.
5. To spend more time with my dogs.
6. To work my ass off for the things I want, and not to take no for an answer!
7. To accept those for who they are and not let them get to me.
8.To try to let go of the guilt I've held on to about losing the baby.
9. To teach my sister all the life lessons I can remember for being 16.
10. To take a stand in something when I truly believe in it, and not be scared!
11. To be grateful for all the things I have!
12. To get a hobby!
I'm officially turning over my leaf, and am going to work crazy hard at all these promises!

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