Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Birth Story Nov 3 Part 1

I wanted to write this a lot sooner but as you will read it wasn't an easy labor or delivery and recovery wasn't easy at all.

Wednesday Nov 3
So that afternoon around 2:30 at work I went to the bathroom because I pretty much lived there the last 3 weeks of my pregnancy. Now I thought I had lost my mucus plug earlier in the day but that was apparently only bits and pieces. This was no doubt my mucus plug. I knew this really didn't mean anything. Some women will loose theirs days before they actually go into labor, but I finally felt like something was happening! That afternoon at work I took care of a lot of last minute things I need to do before I left for maternity leave. I guess subconsciously I knew something was going to happen soon. I left for the day laughing telling the other girl I work with that I hoped I wouldn't see her tomorrow. I came home and J cooked dinner and we ate. It was this little stir fry thing that wasn't very big but my stomach wasn't tat big anymore so I was eating small meals but just always eating. After I ate I went take a shower and then J and I crawled on the couch to watch our Wednesday night shows. I was so tired I don't think I moved from 7 to 8:30. At 9 I told J I was going up to bed and he said he would be up by 9:30. I went up and brushed my teeth and was walking towards the bed to crawl in when I felt this wetness on my leg. Now I won't lie I had lost so much control over my body in the last week of my pregnancy my first thought was, "crap I just peed on myself." Then quickly I realized it may have been my water. Now my Dr tells me at my last appointment 5 days earlier that only 5% of woman's water breaks before contractions start. SO I go on believing this is not my water. I am an idiot and I just peed myself. But I also know once your water breaks the clock is ticking and there is only a certain amount of time you have to get baby out before there are serious health risk to you and baby ( which we learn first hand later.) So I call the office so they can page the Dr on call and tell them what's going on. So I am playing on the computer while I wait for the call. Those 5 minutes seemed like 30. And of course my phone didn't ring it just went to my voicemail. So I really never got to talk to the Dr. She left me a message saying come in and lets get you checked out. So I walk downstairs and look at my husband. The conversation goes as follows,
Me: Hey Babe
J: Yeah (as he keeps his eyes on the Batman cartoon he's watching, I promise he is 29 not 16)
Me: Um.... Yeah... so I think my water broke and I called the Dr and they said to come in and get checked out.
J: Alright lets get moving ( Then random mumbling to himself which I have no idea what it was but knowing my husband the ENGINEER he was going down a checklist he had made in his head for this exact moment the second he found out I was pregnant and had been adding to said list for the past 9 months)
He proceeds to put the dogs out and fly up the stairs to our bedroom and change his clothes and finish packing faster than I have ever seen him move. In the process of this what e will call his "flash dance" he ask me to pack this and grab that. When I am not moving fast enough for him he says oh I will get it you just get dressed and get to the car. The whole time he is doing his "dance"  I keep telling him I really don't think this is it. They are just going to send me home. I was in such a disbelief of what was happening. I was expecting that we would be leaving when I was have really bad contractions and I had labored at home for hours. (Looking back now I think my body was trying to start contracting the past 2 nights but as soon as I would fall asleep they would stop. More on this later)
So after I am dress and down stairs I call my parents and let them know we are leaving. J gets everything in the car and away we go. The entire trip I am trying to convince J they are going to send us home and this is a wasted trip. He spends the 30 minute drive telling me you are in labor crazy lady. The one thing I will always remember from that ride is both of us realizing the next time we walked in our house we would be a family of 3.
We got to the hospital and went up to L&D. They put us in a room and said they wanted to test my urine and wanted me to lay down for 30 minutes then they would check to see if my water had broke. My urine came back with some protein in it. The doctor came in 30 minutes later and as soon as she lowered my bed to see if my water broke the rest of my water came gushing and I mean gush out. She said you are officially admitted. You are not going home your staying. Then she did a quick ultrasound to make sure he was head down. They put me on the monitors to see if I was contracting and apparently I was  a little. She asked me to walk for 2 hours and see I could really start contracting on my own. At this point I begged for food because I knew as soon as I got the epidural or starting really contracting it was all of limits. She must have saw the desperation in my eyes because she let me eat! As soon as I finished it was midnight and my doctor predicted we would see a baby by 5 the next afternoon. But oh how was she wrong. If we only knew what was in store for the next 24 hours.


Michelle Claire said...

I need more!!

Michelle Claire said...

I just saw all of your comments on my blog, thanks!!