Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Hello out there!

Again I know its been awhile! You have to cut me some slack I have a very active 7 month old! And just because I feel bad for lack of post, I put up a few extra pics! (I would have anyway.) So the reason it takes forever for me to bog is because currently my office is on the second floor and the only time I'm up here is to put Isaac down for naps and to go to bed myself. Well as of today that's all about to change. My contractor should be showing up any minute to start the remodeling on our formal dinning to turn it into our new office. We are putting in french doors and hardwood floor. We decided we needed the extra bedroom upstairs and the office on the first floor would be more useful! I am very excited!
Isaac is getting stronger, faster, and better by the day. We still don't know what kind of lung ideas he has and probably will never know but he is getting stronger and that's all that matters. I can't even put into words how much I love that kid.
I do have to say with all of this good news my heart is a little sad today. I have to say I am really losing my faith. Faith in why things happen as they do. I can't go into details, but some things are truly unfair. My heart hurts for one of my dearest friends, while I just can't pull myself together to be happy for another. Life is unfair. I don't understand why good suffers and bad gets what they truly don't deserve. Enough of that I know you want pictures!
7 months

6 Months

6 Months

5 Months


Michelle Claire said...

You have the cutest kid ever!

Hoping to be 3! said...

Thanks he is rather cute!