1. To have more of a positive attitude towards things I can't control. B-Still working on this.
2. To have a little more faith in me! B
3. To trust in myself. B
4. To let it go when my husband leaves things around. C
5. To spend more time with my dogs. A
6. To work my ass off for the things I want, and not to take no for an answer! A
7. To accept those for who they are and not let them get to me.
D- I wont lie this one kicked my ass this year!
8.To try to let go of the guilt I've held on to about losing the baby. B- I can say I am doing a 100% better than I was whenI wrote this!
9. To teach my sister all the life lessons I can remember for being 16.
C I am striving so hard to help her become a great person
10. To take a stand in something when I truly believe in it, and not be scared! A+
11. To be grateful for all the things I have! A+ I am constantly thinking about all I have that others don't and am grateful for a wonderful spouse who helps me every day!
12. To get a hobby! A++ I am doing photography! My #1 goal for 2010 is to get my website up and rolling so I can actively get more involved and possible enter a few contest!
So all in all it was a pretty good year. Defiantly a turn around from the last. I won;t lie I have 2 goals next year....
1. Get my photography rolling, even if it's just in the hobby stage.
2. Get Pregnant or get a better idea of what is possible for us on that front!
I plan on just posting pictures for the rest of my blogging for the year. A few of our new house and maybe some from the massive get togethers with my families. I am going home for Christmas. I can't tell you how excited I am for a good ole fashioned Cajun Christmas!