Scorpio (Little Man)

About the Scorpio Child
Private and Mysterious
The saying "Still waters run deep" perfectly describes your Scorpio daughter or son. Calm as she may seem, there's a lot going on beneath the surface. As her parent, you may never learn all about what makes your little Scorpio tick because these children rarely reveal everything.
Scorpio children are strong-willed, passionate, and intense, and the need to feel secure drives them to control themselves and others. A strong, durable emotional connection is one of their primary needs, but, perversely, they may test the durability of that connection, often without realizing they are doing so.
Your Scorpio child may seem by turns affectionate, aloof, devoted, obsessive, loving, and manipulative. Scorpios have such range and depth of feeling that you may sense that your child is expressing only the top layer of her true feelings -- and that you could understand her a lot better if only she'd let you in on the secret.
Scorpio children thrive on the mysteries of life and have a knack for understanding others' motivations. They might love reading suspense stories or watching horror flicks from an early age, and they'll be drawn to complex friendships that really stretch them.
It's all too easy for Scorpio children to be drawn into obsessive, vindictive, and controlling behavior, so be sure to teach your child about the importance of forgiveness as well as forging balanced relationships with other people. If you guide her carefully, you can help your Scorpio child develop interests that will benefit the world at large, as she brings her focus, willpower, and determination to bear.
Pisces (me)

About the Pisces Parent
Through the Eyes of a Child
As a Pisces parent, you're incredibly nurturing, compassionate, and tuned in to your children's needs. From the time they're infants, you feel their pain acutely, and you experience joy at every discovery they make in this bright new world they inhabit.
In some ways, your own experience of life is like that of a child. You're less bound than some to the demands of "real life," and you're imaginative and creative in the extreme. You'll happily spend hours playing make-believe with your kids, and you'll be as wide-eyed and fascinated as they are with the wonders of the world.
You'll teach your children the importance of dreams -- of letting their minds wander, of tapping into their intuition, of trusting their perception of energies and forces that exist beyond the tangible world. You'll pass along your own sensitivity toward life's subtleties, and instill in your children a reverence for life itself. But children are sharp, and they'll pick up on your tendency to avoid reality in favor of your pretty imaginings.
Be sure to ground your dreamy energy with a resolute grip on reality. After all, someone needs to keep at least one foot on the ground! And you'll need to teach your children how to handle life's mundane responsibilities, such as adhering to a regular homework schedule, doing chores on time, and sharing wholesome meals together. In truth, it will be a positive exercise for you to perform these grounding tasks, and the whole family will be better off.