Monday, June 21, 2010

I'm Pregnant!

So I am not crazy and I have known for quite some time that a little one is on the way. However, I finally had my ah ha moment this weekend. It seems like for some reason in the past 3 days I have grown! I got my first stranger comment yesterday at Walgreen's. Or I should say J got a comment. The cashiers wished him a happy soon to be fathers day. I just look pregnant all of a sudden this weekend. To further prove this point all of a sudden Friday night I am having trouble sleeping. I CAN NOT get comfortable. My hips either hurt or I just can't lay on my sides anymore or I just can't get comfy. It's like all of a sudden I have this belly. It's been there but now it's like I AM HERE! I used to not understand why pregnant girls walked side to side. I didn't think it was a sympathy thing or anything I just didn't understand. I SO UNDERSTAND NOW! You can't help it, and I totally didn't realize I was doing it until I was walking back to my desk from the bathroom.
Oh and THE BEST part of the past few days? J got to feel the bean move for the first time on Father's Day. It was by far the best moment. I feel like he can really be a part of it all now!

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