Thursday, July 1, 2010

22 Weeks!

How Far along: 22 Weeks

Total weight gain: 8 lbs total

Maternity clothes: Oh Yeah

Sleep: I have learned to appreciate the good nights when I can get them.

Best Moment this week: Watching J light up when he found out it was a boy! Wow that was awesome.

Movement: We've been having dance parties lately.

Gender: Boy! All Boy!

Labor signs: Better not see any of this for at least 18 weeks. . Breathe just breathe!

Belly button: It's pretty flat at the moment.

Cravings: Ice Cream, Chocolate Milk. Really anything sweet and cold!

What I miss: Bending over and not falling.

Stretch Marks: Nope

What I am looking forward to this week: Vacation and relaxing.

So it's July 1st. OMG! Where have the past 5 months gone. I started counting today on way in to work and realized it's a very realistic possibility that we could have a baby here in a little over 3 months. HOLY CRAP! I have a feeling after vacation I am going into panic mode. It's what I do best. I am the crazy one and J grabs my feet and places them back on the ground. It's required every now and again. Talking about J, he is by far the best husband ever. Even when he is on his business trips h thinks about me. He went last night to the mall where he is in North Dakota and saw there was a sale at Bath and Body works and loaded up on smelly good things for me. Now does it get better than that I ask you? I absolutely love that man to pieces!
Oh and one more thing. You know when you watch movies or talk to people that have been or are pregnant they will tell you how hormonal they are and weepy. So I totally expected this. Well I got the hormonal thing down I am just sure it is in the opposite direction. Pregnancy has made me mean in my opinion. I used to have so much patients and be nice and now I have 0 patients for mostly the people I work with. To think about it work really is the only place I am like this. I am not at all like this at home or out with family or friends. Hmmmm something to think about.

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