Total weight gain: Oh dear, I really don't want to say. Total 16 lbs. Holy Shit!
Maternity clothes: Oh Yeah
Sleep: I am back to good nights and bad nights. However I do not sleep through the night anymore. I am kinda glad for this so it won't be such a shock to the system.
Best Moment this week: Seeing the little man on the ultrasound. He looks so much like a baby now. I even think he has J's chin from what I can tell.
Movement: When he goes through growth spurts he goes nuts. He's kind of calmed it down the past few days, but I don't mind!
Gender: Boy! All Boy!
Labor signs: Better not see any of this for at least 14 weeks. I am half nervous half excited!
Belly button: Flat.
Belly button: Flat.
What I miss: Being able to sit for more than an hour and not feel like my sides were going to fall off.
Stretch Marks: Nope
What I am looking forward to this week:Just making it to another week!
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