Thursday, April 30, 2009

EaGER Study

Back to life back to reality. That song has been playing in my head the past couple of days. So I don’t know if I mentioned I was looking into participating in the EaGER trial where I live. I’ve decided to back out. I am just not willing to take the risk. You just never know. I was really interested for a few reasons,

                -They give you a “very sensitive” fertility monitor. (It’s the CBEFM; scroll down it was my big expense)

                -They are like a hawk watching you and your cycles, taking blood doing ultrasounds (Control something I struggle with, and this was going to give me more)

                -They pay you! (Nothing is ever wrong with that!)

But in the end you just don’t know. It’s a study so they can’t guarantee. I just wanted to share the info in case anyone else is interest.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

We're Baaaack!

Well we made it back all in one piece! We had such a great time. We took the red eye out on April 20th to Newark airport. We landed at 2:20 in the morning. i got to experience sleeping in the airport. Yeah I wouldn't recommend it! So we took off from Newark Tuesday morning and landed in Antigua Tuesday afternoon. It took J and I a whole 10 minutes to change and get drinks once we got to our room. We lived in paradise for 7 days. Great food, great music, and lots of laughs and catching up. We went on 2 excursions while we were there. One was an ATV tour of the island. Although scary at first by the end I was going through mud puddles like I was 5. The second was zip lines over the rainforest. Very fun! I would recommend it to anyone traveling anywhere and has the chance to do it. At the end of the zip lines n this particular excursion there was something called the "Leap of Faith." You had to jump off this platform to another platform that was about a 30 foot drop. Doesn't sound hard right? Well when the platform you are landing on is already 50 feet or so off the ground it makes it a shit load scarier! In fact for 2 or 3 minutes I just stood at the ledge and asked the guy, I'm tied in right? I just have to take the step?" Well he decided to play a mean trick on me. Just about the time I worked up the nerve to take that step he yells, "No don't!" I proceed to scream like a 5 year old all the way down as my husband, and the ranger laughs their asses off at me. I about peed in my pants. 
We took a few professional photos there since we haven't taken pictures since our wedding day I though it would be a good anniversary present to ourselves. We met a few very nice couples from all over. Oh and I saw more speedos on men who didn't need o be wearing speedos that I am good for life! I just don't understand why. But I digress.
Our trip ended with us spending the night in the Hilton in Time Square. Let me just say WOW! I was so meant to live there! I love NYC. We ate at this great little Italian place and spent the night walking through Time Square. I was like a kid look up. In fact my husband had me by the hand dragging me around because I just was not paying attention to where I was going. I will be back NYC, just watch out!
SO we get back today and turn on the old tv to catch up on the world and I hear swine flu. WTF? I leave for the week and the world goes crazy. SO I plan on spending tonight catching up on laundry and such!
On the baby front we have decided to take another month off the meds. I just need to feel normal for a while. And for some reason I thing the meds have kicked my system back to normal. I had a normal cycle this month. i even ovulated on time! So nice to be back to normal. Anyway I posted a few pics of the vaca for all to enjoy!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Off to Antigua we go!

I am so excited! We are leaving tomorrow night. I am washing, packing and getting all the necessities together! I do have to say 7 days with no phone, internet, but just my husband sounds like heaven to me! I will post lots of pics when we get back.On the baby front, I am taking a cycle off the meds and I have to say..........I feel so like myself and not like a crazy person! I didn't realize how crazy the meds were making me. It's like night and day. So we are going to be celebrating our 3rd anniversary Wednesday relaxed and hopefully buzzed most of the day! It will be fabulous. Then back home and back on meds. So I plan on enjoying this one!

My brother and I doing what we do best, cuttin a rug!
J and his fabulous sister!
My sister and I
Our Wedding Party! Aren't they cute!

Ahhh the memories!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Are you Fing kidding me!

Things like this just kill me!

I just keep telling myself 7 days until Antigua! Oh I need a mental break from everything at this moment!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

WARNING: Don't mess with me today!

Well she showed this morning. I am in a horrible mood. Work is also kicking my butt, and my husbands gone on business again. I can’t wait for vacation! 

"Another day has almost come and gone 
Can't imagine what else could wrong 
Sometimes I'd like to hide away somewhere and lock the door 
A single battle lost , but not the war 

cause Tomorrow's another day 
And I'm thirsty anyway 
So bring on the rain 

It's almost like the hard times circle round 
A couple drops , and they all start coming down 
Yeah, I might feel defeated, 
and I might hang my head 
I might be barely breathing - but I'm not dead 

cause Tomorrow's another day 
And I'm thirsty anyway 
So bring on the rain"

Artist: Jo Dee Messina 
Album: Burn 
Title: Bring On The Rain

Monday, April 6, 2009

14 Days past Ovulation!

I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT”S GOING ON! I am officially 14 days past ovulation. Which means Aunt Flo would be showing today or tomorrow. All my AF symptoms have disappeared. I am not hormonal, I don’t have cramps which I had on and off over the weekend and I awoke this morning to my temperature heading north. (It usually goes down when AF is coming.) Well it went down Saturday and Sunday and all of a sudden this morning it went up. I wouldn’t say it skyrocketed but it went up, which it has never happened to me at this point and time in any given cycle. So I think I am going to break down and buy a test and if it doesn’t go down in the morning I’ll make myself test. So there is my update! Ahhhh so annoyed!

This picture is from almost 5 years ago. Wow how we have changed! J looks like a college kid!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

So Cruel!

I just had the worst and most evil trick played on me. Who did this awful thing to me?......... Yours truly! Yup that’s right I did it to myself. Let me explain. I am 10days past ovulation today. Well I woke up at 3:30 realized it wasn’t time to get up so I rolled over. The next thing I know I am getting up going to the bathroom and saying ahh what the hell, I’ll just pee on a stick. I know it won’t be positive. Well 3 minutes later it turns bright pink. Oh my god, I am pregnant! How could this be, no sore boobs, no hunger, totally not what I experienced last time, but they say every pregnancy is different. So I bring the test to Jason and he just gets this huge grin that melts my heart. Everything I have to do just starts running through my mind.
1 Call Dr
2 Make Jason keep his mouth shut for the day
3 Tell the girls on BOTB
4 Call my friend A and J (They will freak out!)
As soon as I turn around to go stare at the stick, the stick that has brought this wonderful news I have desperately been waiting for, for years now my phone dings………
It’s Jason he’s on his flight. Flight? He was just here. Then at that moment heartbreak just floods in. It was a dream. A stupid damn dream, are you kidding me? How incredible mean! Now I am sure we didn’t get pregnant this month! So frustrated!