Well we made it back all in one piece! We had such a great time. We took the red eye out on April 20th to Newark airport. We landed at 2:20 in the morning. i got to experience sleeping in the airport. Yeah I wouldn't recommend it! So we took off from Newark Tuesday morning and landed in Antigua Tuesday afternoon. It took J and I a whole 10 minutes to change and get drinks once we got to our room. We lived in paradise for 7 days. Great food, great music, and lots of laughs and catching up. We went on 2 excursions while we were there. One was an ATV tour of the island. Although scary at first by the end I was going through mud puddles like I was 5. The second was zip lines over the rainforest. Very fun! I would recommend it to anyone traveling anywhere and has the chance to do it. At the end of the zip lines n this particular excursion there was something called the "Leap of Faith." You had to jump off this platform to another platform that was about a 30 foot drop. Doesn't sound hard right? Well when the platform you are landing on is already 50 feet or so off the ground it makes it a shit load scarier! In fact for 2 or 3 minutes I just stood at the ledge and asked the guy, I'm tied in right? I just have to take the step?" Well he decided to play a mean trick on me. Just about the time I worked up the nerve to take that step he yells, "No don't!" I proceed to scream like a 5 year old all the way down as my husband, and the ranger laughs their asses off at me. I about peed in my pants.
We took a few professional photos there since we haven't taken pictures since our wedding day I though it would be a good anniversary present to ourselves. We met a few very nice couples from all over. Oh and I saw more speedos on men who didn't need o be wearing speedos that I am good for life! I just don't understand why. But I digress.
Our trip ended with us spending the night in the Hilton in Time Square. Let me just say WOW! I was so meant to live there! I love NYC. We ate at this great little Italian place and spent the night walking through Time Square. I was like a kid look up. In fact my husband had me by the hand dragging me around because I just was not paying attention to where I was going. I will be back NYC, just watch out!
SO we get back today and turn on the old tv to catch up on the world and I hear swine flu. WTF? I leave for the week and the world goes crazy. SO I plan on spending tonight catching up on laundry and such!
On the baby front we have decided to take another month off the meds. I just need to feel normal for a while. And for some reason I thing the meds have kicked my system back to normal. I had a normal cycle this month. i even ovulated on time! So nice to be back to normal. Anyway I posted a few pics of the vaca for all to enjoy!