I am so excited! We are leaving tomorrow night. I am washing, packing and getting all the necessities together! I do have to say 7 days with no phone, internet, but just my husband sounds like heaven to me! I will post lots of pics when we get back.On the baby front, I am taking a cycle off the meds and I have to say..........I feel so like myself and not like a crazy person! I didn't realize how crazy the meds were making me. It's like night and day. So we are going to be celebrating our 3rd anniversary Wednesday relaxed and hopefully buzzed most of the day! It will be fabulous. Then back home and back on meds. So I plan on enjoying this one!
My brother and I doing what we do best, cuttin a rug!

J and his fabulous sister!

My sister and I

Our Wedding Party! Aren't they cute!
Ahhh the memories!
Leave all your stress here and have an AMAZING time!!!
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