So I have successfully finished my second cycle of Clomid. Side effects you ask? Well I have HOT FLASHES this time like I am a 50 year old mentapausal woman. I go to sleep freezing and I kid you not 5 minutes later I am sweating. It looks like I just got out the shower. I can deal with nausea, back aches, back cramps, and a whole array of things but sweating while I am trying to sleep is not one of them. I can tell you also I have ovaries! I felt them last cycle but not until right before I ovulated now this time I can feel them a week ahead. One other great thing, my hormones are raging their little head. I about took off a few heads in the past days. A great example you ask for? Saturday night I got kicked out of a bar, the kicker I was dead sober! Yup not even intoxicated and I got kicked out. The story goes a little something like this……
My husband and I along with about 10 other people went out to this bar in downtown. We had been there for about 3 hours having a good time. Well this group (who obviously knew the manager) comes sit down behind us. Well my husband by this point had a beer and a shot but was not even close to drunk, I’ve seen drunk and that was not drunk. That was just happy. Well, he got up to go to the bathroom and (this place was packed) when he walked by this guy that was behind us he rubbed shoulders with him. Well apparently this guy got all butt hurt and went told the bouncers my husband was drunk. Now let me paint a picture for you, crowded bar, St Patrick’s Day celebration going on, lots of green beer, lots of drunken happy people dancing all around, and very loud. Ok back to the story. Two bouncers walk up to my husband and tell him he’s been drinking too much and he has to go. My husband looks behind him and looks for whom ever these guys are talking to because it’s obviously not him. He’s a calm 2 on the drunk meter compared to the 100 people around us who were obviously 8’s or 9’s on the drunk o meter. When he realizes they are talking to him, he has this shocked look on his face. Now I do have to say my husband calmly says OK and starts to stand up. This is when Clomid Cajun comes out and goes on the attack. I may be a whole 130 lbs but I am so pissed I am thinking I can take these 2 guys who are easily 240lbs a piece. Now my husband is a pretty big guy, he could have easily taken care of himself if he would have wanted to but he was level headed. This is where I have learned Clomid makes me an angry fighter. The conversation goes like this…
Clomid Cajun: What are you kicking him out for? (Thinking maybe he did something coming back from the bathroom)
Dumb Bouncer # 1: He’s had too much and has to go?
Clomid Cajun: Oh HELL NO! (I can feel my face turn red and I am ready for a fight.)Are you kidding me? Have you seen half the people in this bar? They are way drunk than my husband? (There is lots of finger pointing and smoke coming out of my ears going on by this point.)
Dumb Bouncer # 2: It’s nothing personal
Clomid Cajun: Bullshit! Your little butt buddy got all butt hurt when my husband slide by him and touched him. (Here is when the Cajun curse words came out, I choose not to repeat)
Dumb Bouncer #1: You’re gone to, let’s go.
So my husband and I proceed to the exit. The entire time I am telling all the people we are with that we got kicked out as we see them walking out. I was fired up the whole way home. My husband, cool as can be tells me, “What did you expect them to say, Oh well never mind you can stay.” So what have I learned? Clomid makes the angry Cajun come out of me when just nudged a little. Oh and cursing out bouncers in Cajun is never a great idea.
1 comment:
That sucks and is hilarious! My friends and I always say butt hurt when someone is too sensitive.
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