It’s a good news bad news day. Ready…..
Good News
We have a date to meet with the doctor! (Points to right) July 24th at 10:30! Bring on the needles and ultrasounds, I am more than ready!
My Aunt is coming this week to stay for a few days! Very Excited!
We picked all the finishes for the house. It’s going to be fine!
We should break ground next week!
Bad News
My great grandfather passed away this morning. He will be greatly missed!
My TMJ is acting up and my face HURTS!
J is leaving today for a few days L
So as you can see it’s one of those days. I just downed 975mg of aspirin in the hopes of a little relief from this pain. It usually last 3-4 days then goes away. I am hoping to speed up the process.
Good luck girl! You are in my prayers!!!
PS, I know it's hard to feel like a"failure", but your not. We can't control our bodies. I wish we could, but we can't. Head up, good things are coming your way!!
Thank you. I appreciate it!
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