Tuesday, March 30, 2010
So Sick!
I am so sick I could just sit in the shower and fall asleep. Along with morning sickness I am dealing with the worst possible head cold known to man. Please send healthy vibes this way. I need them. I am beyond miserable!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
I officially hate grocery stores!
I knew we were running low on milk this morning. I made a mental note,"Go to grocery store at lunch for milk." No problem. So in the land of pregnancy and its many first trimester symptoms I would have called today a bad day from the start. I felt horrible and still do a little from the start. Last time I had a day like this I hurled in our garage on my way to my car to go to work. Just like that OK one minute frantically looking for a place to lose it another. Well if your smart you have a feeling where this is going .
So I walk in the grocery store very aware of my Nemesis since the beginning, coffee. I can't take the smell of it and of course I sit the closest to the coffee machine at work. Which is why my boss found out about 4 weeks earlier than I planned on it. I had to explain why the coffee maker just magically disappeared and moved across the building a few weeks back, but I digress. Fully aware of the coffee aisle I divert to the farthest possible route away that I know. Well this takes me all the way across the store and to the back concern. Now why I didn't go back exactly this way I don't know. Maybe I thought I was home free. Well I took one different turn, and there it was a "special" set up of coffee beans out of the bags. AT that moment I couldn't stop it. Even if I ran as fast as possible in the other direction I knew the smell was on my tail. So I was walked as quickly as possible and attempted to hold my breath. BAHM it hit me like a brick wall, that smell, and not but two seconds later I hit the trash can at the end of the aisle. Now at this point I am thankful for 2 things. One no one saw me! 2 my husband wasn't there because I am pretty sure I would have gotten so much crap for it.
So I hurry and check out and e-mail J that I am not going into grocery stores for the rest of this hateful trimester. I get a call 2 seconds later. He's just a chuckling away and obviously feels bad. Moral of the story, I have to find some of those stinking Sea bands for my wrist.
8 Weeks
How Far along: 8 Weeks
Total weight gain: +2 total. Man it's starting already
Maternity clothes: No, but I have to make a trip to Target this weekend. I am at the point were belts are just not a fun thing and my fat girl jeans are getting tight.
Sleep:Good and Bad nights. I get annoyed when I wake up in the middle of the night because I get hungry and then I am forced to get up and eat.
Best Moment this week: We got to see the heartbeat last Friday. WOW!
Movement: Not yet
Gender: I may be starting to lean towards a boy. Because only a male would put me through what I have been through in the past week!
Labor signs: Better not see any of this for at least 32 weeks
Belly button: In but instead of looking all nice and vertical it's starting to take on a round shape. I have never had this. I am starting to think I may have a hard time with this weight thing.
Cravings: Not many. But when I do get hungry for something its a have to have it now. And as soon as I have eaten something I want nothing to do with it. It grosses me out.
What I miss: Eating normally! Eating 3 meals a day and snack. I am either nauseated or hungry and it SUCKS! My stomach never seems to be content. I can't wait until this part is over.
Stretch Marks: Nope
What I am looking forward to this week: Starting to walk in the evening. Now that J is home and not traveling I really want to start walking and getting a little more exercise in!
Total weight gain: +2 total. Man it's starting already
Maternity clothes: No, but I have to make a trip to Target this weekend. I am at the point were belts are just not a fun thing and my fat girl jeans are getting tight.
Sleep:Good and Bad nights. I get annoyed when I wake up in the middle of the night because I get hungry and then I am forced to get up and eat.
Best Moment this week: We got to see the heartbeat last Friday. WOW!
Movement: Not yet
Gender: I may be starting to lean towards a boy. Because only a male would put me through what I have been through in the past week!
Labor signs: Better not see any of this for at least 32 weeks
Belly button: In but instead of looking all nice and vertical it's starting to take on a round shape. I have never had this. I am starting to think I may have a hard time with this weight thing.
Cravings: Not many. But when I do get hungry for something its a have to have it now. And as soon as I have eaten something I want nothing to do with it. It grosses me out.
What I miss: Eating normally! Eating 3 meals a day and snack. I am either nauseated or hungry and it SUCKS! My stomach never seems to be content. I can't wait until this part is over.
Stretch Marks: Nope
What I am looking forward to this week: Starting to walk in the evening. Now that J is home and not traveling I really want to start walking and getting a little more exercise in!
Wow 8 weeks it seems like we just found out i was pregnant and now in 2 weeks I will be a quarter ways through. I can say I am so over and done with this morning sickness/hunger thing. I was telling someone yesterday if I had to gage the possibility of us have another child off of what I have dealt with pregnancy so far, this would be the one and only. I know I haven't had it as bad as other people who throw up all the time. But the small amount I have and the huge amount of hunger/nausea I have had has been enough for me to just want to sit down and cry. I swear if this doesn't stop by the end of the first trimester I will be in Doctors office sitting on her desk crying crazy, hormonal, regnant girl crocodile tears until she makes it stop. I feel bad because now anyone who wants to go out to eat with us revolves around my schedule. I guess I should get used to that. Oh and if my husband tells me one more time, "that's what's suppose to happen," when I am venting and just want a little compassion I am very much going to take his head off with a 2x4 and mount it on my fireplace for all men to see that if you don't comfort your wife and stop being a smart ass this is what will happen. Is it to much to ask for a little compassion for the women who is caring your child and growing a human. No I didn't think so. I was crying the other night and he was doing good with me until I started bawling, (for what I will even admit was no good reason) and all of a sudden he tells me, "Well i am done with this crazy for the day." I about lost my shit! I know he is not the most sensitive guy and most times I thank god for that because I hate when guys are all mushy and lovable. But for now this moment I need a compassionate husband! Wow OK this was not meant to turn into bitch session. I blame the hormones :-)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
A Wonderful Note
I received this e-mail over the weekend from my sister-in-law after sending her pictures from our ultrasound.
Thank u, thank u, thank u, thank u! Hello Baby Burke! We are so excited to meet you! We can't wait to see you. Please calm down on the nausea for your mommy. She is very, very smart and beautiful and lots of fun! And your Daddy is pretty good too! We are so thankful for the pictures of you. We printed them and put them on our fridge as I am sure everyone as done!! Your are so loved!
Aunt Chas
In my crazy hormonal state I cried for like 5 minutes.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Grumpy Monday
I am beyond grumpy. There are 4 people out sick today. I have no one to talk to. I am tired, hungry but nothing sounds good, and all I want is my husband and my bed.
Doctors appointment went well Friday. We got to see the peanut. Heartbeat and all. He/She is doing great! However I do have something, they think it's the placenta growing a little weird. So they scheduled me another ultrasound for 4 weeks. The doctor is not in the least bit worried so neither am I. No need to worry about something I can't control I am learning.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
7 Weeks!
How Far along: 7 Weeks
Total weight gain: I will find out tomorrow but I think I am back up to my normal 140.
Maternity clothes: No, I put on a pair of my Capri's from last summer today because it's a gorgeous spring day today and they are snug :-(
Sleep:I have nights were I get up 2 or 3 times to pee and eat and then I have nights like last night where I can sleep through the whole night for 10 hours straight.
Best Moment this week: As crazy as it sounds morning sickness. It made know that this is defiantly different than last time.
Movement: Not yet
Gender: I am still going with girl.
Labor signs: Better not see any of this for at least 33 weeks
Belly button: In
Cravings: Not many. Nothing still sounds good. Eating is feeling like a chore.
What I miss: Eating normally.
Stretch Marks: Nope
What I am looking forward to this week: Staying pregnant and seeing the heartbeat tomorrow afternoon on our first ultrasound!
Total weight gain: I will find out tomorrow but I think I am back up to my normal 140.
Maternity clothes: No, I put on a pair of my Capri's from last summer today because it's a gorgeous spring day today and they are snug :-(
Sleep:I have nights were I get up 2 or 3 times to pee and eat and then I have nights like last night where I can sleep through the whole night for 10 hours straight.
Best Moment this week: As crazy as it sounds morning sickness. It made know that this is defiantly different than last time.
Movement: Not yet
Gender: I am still going with girl.
Labor signs: Better not see any of this for at least 33 weeks
Belly button: In
Cravings: Not many. Nothing still sounds good. Eating is feeling like a chore.
What I miss: Eating normally.
Stretch Marks: Nope
What I am looking forward to this week: Staying pregnant and seeing the heartbeat tomorrow afternoon on our first ultrasound!
J is in Wyoming for a business trip. he is suppose to fly back tomorrow morning so he can be here tomorrow afternoon. I say suppose to because a fricking snowstorm is suppose to come through tonight and tomorrow morning. If he can't get here I will freak out with my crazy hormones! I am already crazy nervous about tomorrow. All I want is my husband!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Don't mess with a pregnant women's sleep!
So let me tell you a little story. J had to go to a dinner last night. I, hormonal and tired pass out oh about 8:45ish. J comes strolling in about 11 o'clock. Making all sorts of noise and waking the dogs and myself up. So we finally settle down and fall asleep after J decides to toss and turn for 45 minutes. 1 AM rolls around and J gets up. Apparently dinner was a little salty so we need some water and to pee. This wakes me up and makes me need to pee. So we all get back into bed and start to settle in again and my stomach starts to growl. This is what happens when I am awake for to long at night. I get hungry when all I want to do is sleep. So I am cursing as I get up and go down stairs to pour me a bowl of what now is officially the grossest cereal because I have had to eat it for over a week now because J had a Costco moment. So I eat and throw myself in bed. Just as I am about to doze off what do I hear. My husband SNORING. This went on for an HOUR! I jabbed, poked, and fussed but did that bother the an who stayed out late having a good ole time?Oh no. It just kept his cranky pregnant wife awake. So 4:45 rolls around and its time for another trip to the watering hole for J. I at this point of course have to pee again. Uhhhhh So we all fall back asleep and the alarm goes off. I hit it and start to get up but J doesn't move. The conversation goes like this.......
Me: Are you going in this morning?
J: No I am just going to go to the airport for my flight this afternoon.
Me: You're a f'ing asshole!
I get up and get ready for work. As I am done and getting ready to walk out. He says, (while still all snuggled in bed) in the sweetest most condescending voice, I Love You. So I proceed to turn on all the lights, turn on the TV very loudly and hide the remote. Then just for kicks I took all the covers off the bed and let the dogs in to kiss all over him.
Moral of the story if you fuck with my sleep I will fuck with yours!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Morning Sickness SUCKS ASS!
And my TMJ issues are not helping the situation. Not only does nothing smell, taste, look good, now what I manage to get down makes my mouth hurt like nothing else. Uhhhhh
Friday, March 12, 2010
I didn't know this was going to start this early!
I thought I would have a few good MONTHS yes months were I would fit into my pants and not have issues. I was wrong. I have the bloat bump from hell. Even my fat girl jeans I have for that time of the month are getting a little snug in the buttoning area. What the hell. I put on my nice jeans this morning and the stupid things will zip up however the button part is having none of it. It's like it saw me coming and said lets see if I can make her cry today. Mission accomplished you stupid piece of metal. Now this afternoon my fat girl jeans are getting a little snug when I sit down. Oh my.
Morning sickness has fully kicked in. I stay nauseous all morning until about 10. Then I am fine until ohh about 6 and then it's there until bed time. My biggest problem at the moment is I get starving but NOTHING sounds remotely good. I feel like eating is a chore. Hmmm I hate food at the moment.
Also please explain to me how you can have dry mouth all night but wake up in a pool of drool in the morning. I thought I might drown from the massive mount of drool that was on my pillow this morning. That is defiantly a first for me.
Oh and I have the farthest possible desk from the bathroom in the office. I keep waiting for me to get shin splints from all the quick walking to the bathroom I got going on.
And when did prenatal vitamins become horse pills. Seriously! I had to wait for J to get home last night. I wanted someone there in case I need CPR from the massive amounts of pill that I am now forced to jam down my throat once a day.
I may not be enjoying every minute but I am more than happy to dig through for the end result! I so think girl at the moment!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
6 Weeks!
How Far along: =6 Weeks
Total weight gain: -3 so far
Maternity clothes: No but my pants are getting a little hard to keep buttoned all day.
Sleep: Still getting up at least once to pee but last night I slept for 10 hours straight and I could go back for a nap already.
Best Moment this week: Seeing my numbers double again and making it to 6 weeks!
Movement: Not yet
Gender: For some reason last night it hit me like a brick I so think GIRL!
Labor signs: Better not see any of this for at least 34 weeks
Belly button: In
Cravings: Not many. I am hungry but NOTHING ever sounds good.
What I miss: Absolutely nothing.
Stretch Marks: Nope
What I am looking forward to this week: Staying pregnant and trying to enjoy the experience.
Total weight gain: -3 so far
Maternity clothes: No but my pants are getting a little hard to keep buttoned all day.
Sleep: Still getting up at least once to pee but last night I slept for 10 hours straight and I could go back for a nap already.
Best Moment this week: Seeing my numbers double again and making it to 6 weeks!
Movement: Not yet
Gender: For some reason last night it hit me like a brick I so think GIRL!
Labor signs: Better not see any of this for at least 34 weeks
Belly button: In
Cravings: Not many. I am hungry but NOTHING ever sounds good.
What I miss: Absolutely nothing.
Stretch Marks: Nope
What I am looking forward to this week: Staying pregnant and trying to enjoy the experience.
I have made it past my second milestone of 6 weeks. All is good and the doctors are happy with my progress. We go in next Friday afternoon for our first ultrasound. Now I just have to keep praying. All I want is to see the heartbeat! j and I have many things to discuss this weekend. They gave us the option of doing the quad testing (Downs Syndrome) and another which I can't remember at the moment. I swear my brain sucks all of a sudden the past couple of days. So for now all is well!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Dr Appt
I’m back!
All seems good with baby B. They took tons of blood and the normal poking and prodding. I met with the midwife today to go over all of my history and to answer all my questions. She reassured me of many things. She was even so nice to run my HcG levels again to make me feel better. I should hear something tomorrow afternoon on those. My ultrasound and checkup with the doctor is next Friday afternoon. So far so good!
5 Weeks 5 Days
Monday, March 8, 2010
1 Down 2 to go!
I've always said the next time I got pregnant I would have 3 milestones before I would feel somewhat ok. I was to see doubling betas, second to get past my miscarriage mark, and lastly to see a heartbeat. Well Thursday can't come fast enough. Thursday will be my 6 week mark and then I will have 2 down. Tomorrow is my first appointment. I already know they are going to let me set up my ultrasound tomorrow. I am hoping to have it done next Friday. J says he wants to be there for it and by what I read we should be able to see a heartbeat by then so that will work out just perfect. In the mean time I just have to keep breathing and peeing!
5 weeks 4 days
Friday, March 5, 2010
Thank goodness it's Friday! Pizza night! I have been wanting pizza for the past day so badly! Yesterday I ate everything in site. At least it was all good stuff. J packs me HEALTHY lunch everyday! Tons of fruit and veggies. I have my first appointment in Tuesday with the midwife. After that I get my favorite doctor the rest of my pregnancy.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
5 Weeks today!
How Far along: 5 Weeks
Total weight gain: 0 so far
Maternity clothes: Nope however my tummy is very bloated
Sleep: Getting up 1-3 times a night to pee
Best Moment this week: Not seeing anything on the TP.
Movement: Not yet
Gender: I have no clue
Labor signs: Better not see any of this for at least 35 weeks
Belly button: In
Cravings: Fruit Loops
What I miss: Absolutely nothing. I am so ready for this!
Stretch Marks: Nope
What I am looking forward to this week: Making it to the 6 week mark and my first OB appointment next Tuesday. Being reassured everything is on track.
Total weight gain: 0 so far
Maternity clothes: Nope however my tummy is very bloated
Sleep: Getting up 1-3 times a night to pee
Best Moment this week: Not seeing anything on the TP.
Movement: Not yet
Gender: I have no clue
Labor signs: Better not see any of this for at least 35 weeks
Belly button: In
Cravings: Fruit Loops
What I miss: Absolutely nothing. I am so ready for this!
Stretch Marks: Nope
What I am looking forward to this week: Making it to the 6 week mark and my first OB appointment next Tuesday. Being reassured everything is on track.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Your Pregnancy: Week 5
Your Pregnancy: Week 5

Baby's now the size of an appleseed!
Your embryo, which doesn't look like much more than a tadpole right now, is actually starting to form major organs (heart, kidney, liver, stomach) and systems (nervous, circulatory, digestive). Baby's presence in your uterus triggers production of HCG (the hormone detected by pregnancy tests), which triggers the production of other hormones like estrogen and progesterone, which triggers all those great symptoms you've probably been noticing!
Your embryo, which doesn't look like much more than a tadpole right now, is actually starting to form major organs (heart, kidney, liver, stomach) and systems (nervous, circulatory, digestive). Baby's presence in your uterus triggers production of HCG (the hormone detected by pregnancy tests), which triggers the production of other hormones like estrogen and progesterone, which triggers all those great symptoms you've probably been noticing!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Guess what.................
I am Knocked up! You read it right as my best friend says KNOCKED THE FUCK UP!
Now I know a few of you know me in real life, my husband is telling everyone. Only my family knows I haven't told friends yet. So we are going to keep it hush for a week or so. But turns out the HSG I did a few weeks ago cleared out some "trash" in my tubes that wasn't present on the results because it got washed out. Boom two weeks later my husbands boys got past the goalie and we are here. because of my history my WONDERFUL doctor jumped on me and did blood work to test my hcg levels and my progesterone on Friday and today. They wanted to see my levels double in 48-72 hours.
HCG Friday 230
Today 698!
Doubling time 45 hours!
Progesterone levels steady at 26.8!
As my nurse said, "We are good and Pregnant!"
I am still in shock and somewhat guarded. I am cautiously excited! Once I see a heartbeat I think my guard will come down a little more. So here is something I just love to follow in other pregnant girls blogs and always planned on doing if I ever got pregnant again....
How Far along: 4 Weeks and 4 days
Total weight gain: 0 so far
Maternity clothes: Nope
Sleep: Started getting up a few times last night to pee
Best Moment this week: Finding out this is a good pregnancy so far and telling J
Movement: Not yet
Gender: I really have no idea! I am kinda rooting for a boy right now.
Labor signs: Better not see any of this for at least 35 weeks
Belly button: In
Cravings: fruit
What I miss: Nothing this is exactly what I prayed for for almost 3 years. I will take anything I get dealt!
Stretch Marks: Nope
What I am looking forward to this week: Getting my first OB visit set up!
Total weight gain: 0 so far
Maternity clothes: Nope
Sleep: Started getting up a few times last night to pee
Best Moment this week: Finding out this is a good pregnancy so far and telling J
Movement: Not yet
Gender: I really have no idea! I am kinda rooting for a boy right now.
Labor signs: Better not see any of this for at least 35 weeks
Belly button: In
Cravings: fruit
What I miss: Nothing this is exactly what I prayed for for almost 3 years. I will take anything I get dealt!
Stretch Marks: Nope
What I am looking forward to this week: Getting my first OB visit set up!
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