Thursday, March 25, 2010

I officially hate grocery stores!

I knew we were running low on milk this morning. I made a mental note,"Go to grocery store at lunch for milk." No problem. So in the land of pregnancy and its many first trimester symptoms I would have called today a bad day from the start. I felt horrible and still do a little from the start. Last time I had a day like this I hurled in our garage on my way to my car to go to work. Just like that OK one minute frantically looking for a place to lose it another. Well if your smart you have a feeling where this is going .
So I walk in the grocery store very aware of my Nemesis since the beginning, coffee. I can't take the smell of it and of course I sit the closest to the coffee machine at work. Which is why my boss found out about 4 weeks earlier than I planned on it. I had to explain why the coffee maker just magically disappeared and moved across the building a few weeks back, but I digress. Fully aware of the coffee aisle I divert to the farthest possible route away that I know. Well this takes me all the way across the store and to the back concern. Now why I didn't go back exactly this way I don't know. Maybe I thought I was home free. Well I took one different turn, and there it was a "special" set up of coffee beans out of the bags. AT that moment I couldn't stop it. Even if I ran as fast as possible in the other direction I knew the smell was on my tail. So I was walked as quickly as possible and attempted to hold my breath. BAHM it hit me like a brick wall, that smell, and not but two seconds later I hit the trash can at the end of the aisle. Now at this point I am thankful for 2 things. One no one saw me! 2 my husband wasn't there because I am pretty sure I would have gotten so much crap for it.
So I hurry and check out and e-mail J that I am not going into grocery stores for the rest of this hateful trimester. I get a call 2 seconds later. He's just a chuckling away and obviously feels bad. Moral of the story, I have to find some of those stinking Sea bands for my wrist.

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